BIANYS has joined with over 200 START-UP NY companies statewide to fight the COVID-19 Tax on Startups

START-UP NY companies across the state received shocking news this past month, by following the Executive Order to allow non-essential employees to work from home to limit the spread of COVID they unwittingly failed to meet the requirements of the START-UP NY law which requires their employees to report to their designated work location. Therefore their employees and the company itself will lose the tax benefits prescribed in the program.

The companies and the employees in the program are now getting hit with a tax bill that they did not plan for.
This issue has companies and incubators across the State crying foul. CEO's of START-UP NY companies began to organize and joined a coalition created by BIANYS to advocate for a change in the law and regulations surrounding the START-UP NY program to fix this injustice. START-UP companies and their employees should not be penalized for doing the right thing and remote working.
We have written letters signed by BIANYS and a number of the START-UP NY company executives to the Governor and the Legislative Leaders. We are asking everyone in our network to please send a similar letter to our State Leaders and your local Assemblyman and Senator to ask them to fix this situation.

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 SPICE Update 132
