Ukrainian Association of Business Incubators and Innovation Centers

                                           The mission of the association.

             Ukrainian Association of Business Incubators and Innovation Centers, founded 15.10.1998 p. Facilitates the practical implementation of entrepreneurship development programs through the creation and support of business incubators, technology parks, business support centers and other innovation type structures.
              The Association there are 18 businesses and 57 individuals, including 5 foreign members. This structure promoting entrepreneurship in all regions of Ukraine, the leaders of the SME, successful entrepreneurs, scientists and foreign consultants.
          UBICA has practical experience in the creation and development of business incubators, business support centers in Ukraine, comprehensive international ties, and experience in organizing conferences and seminars internationally.
             The Association has long experience in organizing and conducting training. Training Center of UBICA has more than 60 skilled trainers, 23 of which have received international accreditation. Over 35 training programs for SME and NGO sectors.
               Association developed and implemented the model of network cooperation among Association, and monitoring of business incubators and business support centers. The current level of organizational and financial management of UBICA was confirmed audit.
           During the period of the Association with financial support from the International Foundation for Social Adaptation, International Fund "Renaissance" of the programs of the Institute "Open Society" International Fund "Eurasia" projects have been implemented in an amount exceeding 820 thousand. Dollars. USA. Completed projects UBICA-ICT "Formation of interregional information and communication environment of business incubation in Ukriyini" supported by "InfoDev" World Bank. The project by:

 ~   organized and held a mini-  competition hrantiv.Rozhlyanuto 59 projects from 18 regions of Ukraine, supported 11 projects

  ~     result - a significant expansion of the range of services to clients;

  ~   held V conference annual "International practice information and          communication   technologies to improve the efficiency of business";

 ~ held 10 roundtables in the regions of Ukraine;

 ~  Information expanded social impact on business incubation;

 ~  prepared and published training materials:

  ~   "ABC and business practice - incubatsyy"

  ~   "Information and communication technologies in business"

  ~   "The use of information and communication technologies to  improve   the efficiency of enterprises and organizationsand"

  ~  "Organization of technical information and analytical network UBICA using the Internet - portal"

             Within the Association programs aimed at establishment and development business support structures were provided with financial and methodological support more than 20 projects in 17 regions of Ukraine. Organized and trained more than 200 representatives and staff of entrepreneurship support structures. The train involved leading experts from Poland, Germany, France, USA, Belgium and Luxembourg. 60 people were studying in the USA, Germany, France and China.
         Recently, the association conducted a large consulting work on training for small and medium businesses to protect their rights and work with regulatory authorities. Its chlany in different regions participating in the councils pidpryymtsiv, submit proposals for amending legislation.
        Association members are actively involved in union activities "
Fortetsya" viziynomu project "Nova Krayina" and university projects "Maydan".

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